Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sunday, August 8: Fundraising Web-a-Thon

Hosted by Annie Day, Will Reese & Sunsara Taylor

Back by popular demand and real necessity, on Sunday, August 8, the campaign around “The Revolution We Need… The Leadership We Have” will hold a second fundraising web-a-thon, from 1pm - 7 pm Pacific Standard Time, 4pm – 10pm, EST.

Every week the headlines scream out at us that we need a radically different world. Thursday, July 29th, Arizona began enforcing many parts of an unjust, immoral, and unconstitutional law that threatens the lives of immigrants. And 90,000 secret military documents that paint a devastating picture of the brutal invasion and occupation of Afghanistan were leaked from inside the U.S. military. The cop who shot Oscar Grant in the back as he was detained, lying face down on a subway platform, killing him, was convicted only of “involuntary manslaughter” showing the reality behind the “post-racial society.”

This is not the best of all possible worlds and we do not have to live this way! We are building a movement for revolution, now, and you should be a part of this.

So, start organizing your friends to watch together on Sunday August 8. Email your friends, make a donation and challenge your friends to match it and join the movement for revolution.