Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tuesday June 15 Dinner & Discussion: Revolutionary Eye on Iran

6:45 pm Iranian Dinner celebrating one year of courageous uprising in Iran $10-20 (benefit for
Revolution Books)

7:30 pm Discussion: Revolutionary Eye on Iran

If you want revolution—in fact, if you are at all concerned about the course of events on the
planet right now—you need to keep your eye on Iran. Iran is a hotspot—a point where both
moves to war and possibilities for revolution could come to a boil. There are three major levels to what is going on there that we need to understand:

1. What Is Going On Inside Iran

2. The International Setting

3. The Revolutionary Movement

Nobody can say where all this will end. What we can say is that there is both great danger and
very great potential here—and a great need to build a movement FOR REVOLUTION that is
internationalist in its outlook and actions.

Read Revolutionary Eye on Iran