Monday, June 14, 2010

Tuesday June 22 - OFFSIDE - video showing of film by Jafar Panahi

7:00 pm

Offside (Persian: آفساید ) is a 2006 Iranian film about girls who try to watch a World Cup qualifying match but are forbidden by law because of their sex. Female fans are not allowed to enter football stadiums in Iran on the grounds that there will be a high risk of violence or verbal abuse against them. The film was inspired by director Jafar Panahi's daughter, who decided to attend a game anyway. The film was shot in Iran during qualifying matches and captures the excitement of the events. Its screening was banned there, but bootleg copies of the film flooded the streets during soccer season.

On March 1, 2010 Jafar Panahi was arrested for unspecified actions against the regime. During May Panahi went on a hunger strike. Largely due to international protest, including from many artists and filmmakers, Panahi was released on May 25, 2010, on $200,000 bail. He is still charged and a trial is pending.

Watch trailer of OFFSIDE