Thursday, June 3, 2010

Thursday June 3: Report Back on RCP Conference - The Revolution We Need...The Leadership We Have


The Revolutionary Communist Party, USA has undertaken an historic campaign - THE REVOLUTION WE NEED...THE LEADERSHIP WE HAVE... - as the crucial step right now to build a movement for revolution in this country, and to bring forward a new stage of communist revolution in the world. Last weekend, conferences were held to discuss how to prepare for taking this campaign to a whole other level.

As the Call in the Revolution newspaper for people to participate in the conferences last weekend put it,

People need to hear and see that things DON'T have to be this way. They need to hear about revolution. And they need to know there is a Party that is building a movement for revolution. That is what this campaign is about. We aim to make known to millions the goal and character of this revolution, communist revolution, as it has been revitalized and reconceived by Bob Avakian; to make the leader of this revolution a household word; and through all this to forge a core of dedicated fighters who are going to advocate for this revolution and make it a driving dynamic force in society and the world.

Join us for a report back on this conference, to get into bold and exciting plans off the conference, and to become part of this, starting now. The first step starts on Friday which marks the beginning of ten days of distributing 200,000 copies across the country of "The Revolution We Need . . . The Leadership We Have,"a Message and Call from the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA.

Come and be part of forging plans, organizing teams, brainstorming about places and events throughout Northern California where this statement needs to appear over the next 10 days. Your ideas, creativity, energy and struggle - your participation - is needed.

Check out the the Message and Call upon which this campaign is based at: